Impexium 2023.01 Release Scheduled for February 25

Impexium’s 2023.01 Release is scheduled for Saturday, February 25 from approximately 8 a.m. EST to 11 a.m. EST.

Impexium’s 2023.01 Release is scheduled for Saturday, February 25 from approximately 8 a.m. EST to 11 a.m. EST. Please note, the release date was changed from February 24 (original date) to February 25 (new date). During the release window, access to Impexium may be unavailable.

Impexium updated our UAT (User Acceptance Testing) environment with the new features and functionality included in the upcoming release. Each client’s UAT environment allows them to preview, test, and share feedback on the 2023.01 release. The 2023.01 Release Notes are available in the Help section of your Impexium instance.

We encourage all clients to work through different processes as a staff user or a member would in a real-world business case. Our goal is to ensure the new development works properly in any business situation and give end-users confidence in how the system will perform in production (post-release).

If you have questions regarding the 2023.01 release, please contact Impexium Support or Client Success.

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